It seems that everyone is talking about estrogen - do we have enough? The problem is actually the opposite in most cases. Most of us have too much estrogen - and another way to say that is "estrogen dominance".
Dr. Lee says that women, men and children are all suffering from estrogen dominance. It is impossible not be affected by it in some way, unless you live the most extremely healthy lifestyle (and away from humans, cars and industrial areas).
We're exposed to pesticides, plastics, industrial waste products, car exhaust, soaps and much of the carpeting, furniture and building products that we live with indoors every day.
It can show up as on-and-off sinus problems, headaches, dry eyes, asthma or cold hands and feet. Hormone imbalances (ie: pms, heavy periods, acne, etc...).
Over time the exposure will cause more chronic problems such as premenopause symptoms and arthritus, and may be a direct or indirect cause of cancer.
Here are some sources and causes of estrogen dominance:
Diet: Phytoestrogen deficiency; sugars and refined starches
Stress: High cortisol levels; not ovulating
Doctor Caused: Birth control pills; conventional ERT and HRT
Environmental: Estrogen fed to animals; xenoestrogen exposure during embryo phase of life
Other: Excessive calorie intake; impaired liver function; deficiencies that impair ovary function
How do we combat estrogen dominance and balance our hormones?
The simple answer is Bio-Identical Progesterone Cream, such as Women's Balance Cream made by Kokoro. Progesterone is the balancer of all hormones. When you use bio-identical progesterone cream, it balances all the hormones and if you have excess estrogen, it will lower this hormone to optimal levels.
If you are interested in the very best, All Natural, Bio-Identical Progesterone Cream, please go to my website at
You can balance your hormones without chemicals and pharmaceutical medications, and create a stronger body at the same time.
Balance Your Hormones Naturally
I found out that I probably have estrogen dominance. My GUN recommended Mirena IUD for my excessively heavy periods. Will it help with estrogen dominance, too? It releases progestine, but I've read online of women saying that Mirena CAUSED estrogen dom. Of course, they probably didn't have it to begin with. Advice?